A Brief Story about Printing SPLAY

The cloth stock we wanted to use for the covers of SPLAY had become extremely difficult to get, each of our suppliers complained at being unable to even source so much as one roll of the stuff. They urged us to use a different brand.
As a last ditch attempt, we went directly to the cloth maker themselves, in Bamberg, Germany, who, unbeknownst to us at the time, were in their last couple of weeks before retirement. We were surprised at how responsive they were to us. We asked them about their elusive special cloth, the one we had searched everywhere for but couldn’t find. Incredibly, in a store room at the back of their factory, they had some. We managed to procure the very last few rolls they had ever made, and had it shipped to our print factory.
Salvaged from a cloth maker in Germany.
By using this cloth to make SPLAY, these books take on an extra meaning and become completely unique. We are honoured to feature the last works of a now-retired company in the cover of SPLAY, making this limited First Edition print run truly one of a kind.